
We are here to guide you on your journey to  financial success.  

Yola Bastos
Financial Independence and Emotional Balance
100+ Trusted Clients 
10 Years
Ana Rosário

Do you want to take control of your financial life and find out how you can use money to achieve an independently wealthy life? 


  • Live the life of your dreams with money as an ally
  • Pay your bills abundantly
  • Have more money to travel
  • Have financial freedom = more time
  • Be part of a community of ambitious women who want to grow financially
  • Learn to control your money and organize your personal finances
  • ​​​​​​​Invest and grow your money automatically
  • Achieve financial freedom
  • Feel that money does not limit your options in life

  • Create your own business
  • Pay your own tuition fees
  • Raise children with dignity
  • Be able to pay for your kid's extracurricular activities
  • Buy your dream car
  • Buy your own house
  • Be able to invest
  • Support your family´s needs
  • Leave a legacy behind

Special on


Hi, We can help you achieve your dreams of business and financial freedom. As a coaches, We've seen firsthand how effective coaching can be in transforming lives and businesses. We're excited to share our expertise and experience with you, and help you create the life and business you truly want.

Our Specialists

- Mindset Coach

Yola Bastos 

- Business Coach

Vanessa Correia 

- Financial Coach

Ana Rosário

We have more than 8 years of experience as coaches and have worked with clients across a range of industries and sectors.
We hold various certifications and qualifications and have a deep understanding of what it takes to achieve business and financial freedom. Beyond our qualifications, we are passionate about helping people like you succeed.

Our own journey to business and financial freedom wasn't always easy, and we know firsthand the challenges you may be facing. That's why we are dedicated to helping you overcome those challenges and achieve the success you deserve.

More than 8 years

of experience

+ 200 %

enlarged client profit 

Unique Programs

Let's Start Together!

Complete our Quiz and find out which is your money personality

Benefits of Coaching

Improved Financial Health

A coach can help you create a clear financial plan and develop strategies to achieve your financial goals. Whether you're looking to pay off debt, save for a big purchase, or increase your income, a coach can help you develop a plan that works for you.
Increased Accountability

When you work with a coach, you have someone to hold you accountable for your goals and commitments. This can help you stay focused and motivated, and make steady progress towards your objectives.
Personalised Support

A coach can provide personalised support and guidance based on your specific needs and goals. Whether you need help with financial planning, business strategy, or personal development, a coach can work with you to create a customized plan that meets your needs.
Improved Mindset

Achieving business and financial freedom requires more than just practical strategies — it also requires a positive and empowered mindset. A coach can help you overcome limiting beliefs and develop a success-oriented mindset that will help you achieve your goals.
Enhanced Business Strategy
Whether you're an entrepreneur or a business owner, a coach can help you develop effective business strategies that drive growth and profitability. From marketing and sales to operations and finance, a coach can provide guidance and support in all areas of your business.

Let's Start Together!

Overall, the benefits of coaching are many and varied, and can help you achieve your goals in both your personal and professional life.

What our Clients Say


Basic Plan


  • One 60-minute coaching session per month
  • Personalised goal setting and action planning
  • Email support between sessions
  • Progress tracking and accountability
  • Webinar
  • Monthly newsletter 
  • Weekly podcast
  • Course Self-Made Wealth

*Automatic renewal every month.



  • Eight 60-minute coaching session per month

  • Personalised goal setting and action planning

  • Course Build to Last

  • Email support between sessions

  • Progress tracking and accountability

  • Customized financial analysis and planning

  • Business strategy development and implementation support

  • Access to exclusive resources and tools

  • Priority scheduling and service

  • Webinars

  • Q&A

  • Pre register to events 

  • Monthly newsletter 

  • Weekly podcast

  • Support materials 

  • Course Self-Made Wealth

*Automatic renewal every month.

VIP Plan


  • Four 60-minute coaching session per month
  • Personalised goal setting and action planning
  • Email support between sessions
  • Progress tracking and accountability

    Customized financial analysis and


    Business strategy development and implementation support

  • Webinars
  • Q&A 
  • Pre register to events 
  • Monthly newsletter 
  • Weekly podcast
  • Course Build to Last
  • Course Self-Made Wealth

*Automatic renewal every month.

Premium Plan

Each of these plans is designed to offer a different level of support and guidance, depending on your specific needs and goals. By choosing the plan that's right for you, you can get the personalized coaching and guidance you need to achieve business and financial freedom.

Organise Your Personalised Coaching Meeting

Let's Start Together!

Complete our Quiz and find out which is your money personality

Disclaimer: All content presented on Women Flix is for educational purposes only and does not constitute any recommendation or any type of financial advice. The authors of the page disclaim any responsibility arising from the investment decisions pursued in light of the educational content presented on this website. The reader should seek advice from a professional when their risk profile and the type of instruments so require.

All Rights Reserved to Women Flix - Since 2019 - Created with Beautifly Digital 

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If you want to chat, call:


Brentford, London
United Kingdom

Our policies

Our services help women build happy and rich lives.

Discover the potential within and unlock your own power!